Hi, my name is Zane Dax. Nice to meet you.
I’m from 🇨🇦 and love data science! I code in R and Python 🐍 also make R hexagon logos for packages.
You have landed on my blog portfolio. 🦄
Why Unicorn Coder?
Unicorns are mythological creatures but are now synonyms for rare and highly desirable qualities. Being an openly Trans Non-Binary person in the coding world, I am rare and often the only one like me in groups talking about data science.
I am not a startup company from the Sillicon Valley or a level 10 coder, just a coder who is one of a small group of Trans coders in the world.
A Blog That Works
Heyy you
Blog Post This is a blog post about Star Wars. You can see how many characters have green eyes or your eye color. starwars %>% select(eye_color, height) %>% group_by(eye_color) %>% ggplot( aes(x= height, y= eye_color) )+ geom_point(size=3, alpha=0.4, color='black')+ labs(title = 'Star Wars Data, eye color and height', y='eye color')+ theme( text = element_text(size = 12, family = 'Lato'), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12, face = 'bold') ) Cars Data summary(cars) ## speed dist ## Min.
Read moreA Project Portfolio To Grow
Tachyons for Style
Building this static site generator theme was the first time I used an Atomic (or Functional) CSS system like Tachyons. It’s a design system that provides very small (which means fast) CSS modules that you can use in your HTML.
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A campfire
Here is a talk I gave on making awesome personal websites using Hugo, blogdown, GitHub, and Netlify.
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